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What We're Working On


A National Agenda

The Water Alliance is working to develop and advance an agenda for federal agencies to widen opportunities for sustainability and innovation.

Federal Policy Recommendations

WERF Integration Briefing for Federal Agencies

The Twelve Step Program Recommendations for EPA

Related Resources


Restoring the Water Commons

Restoring the Water Commons means repairing the links between water and climate change, quality of life in communities, energy use, land use, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, toxicity, and biodiversity. It means thinking of all of these pieces as part of one plan - water supplies, stormwater management, flood control, energy, transportation, solid waste, jobs, quality of life - rather than as separate projects.

The Water Alliance continues to probe the issues first outlined in "Restoring the Water Commons: 21st Century Water Management" by Valerie Nelson.

Water Reuse - New York City and Japan: Experience and Future Prospect 


A Water Summit

A two-day summit will assemble new systems thinkers from across the separate domains of water and wastewater infrastructure, flood control, and agriculture.


Cape Cod

Cape Cod communities are challenged to fix nitrogen problems in coastal waters.  The Water Alliance and Clean Water Action are seeking to bring new ideas on alternative technologies and science-based adaptive management into the conversation.


Cities and Towns of the Future

New approaches to water management are needed in cities and towns of the future.  The Water Alliance develops concepts, pilot projects, and policies for smart, clean, and green designs.
Water and Justice

Sustainable management of water is a fundamental human right.  The Water Alliance is working with environmental justice and faith-based communities to explore how a new way of managing water can revitalize underserved communities, create high and low-skill jobs and new businesses, and lower the costs of services.