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Blue Revolution: A Powerful Call for a Water Ethic

Cynthia Barnett has written a compelling and engaging book, Blue Revolution:  Unmaking America's Water Crisis.  When Barnett called me last fall, I was impressed with her call for a new water ethic grounded in the work of Aldo Leopold.   Now that I've read her new book, I can see why she's won awards as a Florida-based investigative reporter.  One in-depth case study after another -- the Everglades, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the Netherlands, Australia, and even the new water cluster in Milwaukee -- offer a solid political-economy diagnosis of how we've created a water crisis through big engineering projects and profligate use.  Her prescriptions are resonant with our Baltimore Charter -- a strong water ethic, efficient use and recycling, local management and natural systems, and multi-stakeholder and public collaboration.  Perhaps the most eye-opening chapter for me was called "The Water-Industrial Complex," where Barnett describes how water and wastewater engineering has increasingly been consolidated by global conglomerates, and she tracks how these firms influence government policy and spending to maximize their profits just like other big business in America, through campaign contributions.   The problem is they make the most money for large, disruptive water supply and wastewater systems.  Perhaps we should take more time in "following the money trail."  This book is a must read! Publication date: September 20th!

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