EPA Supports Integration and Innovation -- Great Move!
Pressure from Mayors and utility managers has been building in Washington, D.C. to ease the escalating financial burdens for expensive CSO, stormwater and other Clean Water Act mandates around the country. I had also written a letter as a resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts, suggesting there were far better wastewater and stormwater projects than a secondary treatment plant upgrade that EPA was proposing. EPA has responded constructively. Last Thursday, Nancy Stoner, Office of Water, and Cynthia Giles, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, issued a joint letter (http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/memointegratedmunicipalplans.pdf) announcing what could be a transformative new policy. Municipalities will be able to draft integrated wastewater and stormwater plans, consider innovative and green approaches, and prioritize projects over time to achieve the greatest benefits to water quality and to the community. Financial ability will also be taken into consideration as permits are drafted. Kudos to Stoner and Giles! The details will be worked out in coming months.
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