Fall 2012 Conference
Sustainable Cape Cod:
New Tools and Practices for Clean Water and Community Benefit
…………a local conversation with a global resonance
October 22-23, 2012
Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis, Massachusetts
Conference is free, RSVP required
Cape Cod has become a center of innovative technologies and practices to address nutrient pollution in sustainable and affordable ways. Town officials, citizens, companies, engineers, researchers, and government staff are all contributing to a smart, clean, green approach to waste water management.
All are welcome to participate in learning about and creating a more sustainable Cape Cod and lessons for the nation.
Invited Plenary Speakers:
- Nancy Stoner, EPA
- Glen Daigger, CH2MHill
- Cynthia Mitchell, University of Technology Sydney
- Patrick Lucey, Aqua-Tex
- Ed Clerico, Natural Systems Utilities
- Kyle Brown, Cal Poly
- Paul Schwartz, Water Alliance
- Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission
Cape Cod Innovations – Break-out Sessions on:
- Eco-toilets and resource recovery sanitation
- Natural system management – inlet-widening, shellfish uptake, permeable barriers
- Regenerative, green design of communities
- Science of nutrient transport and impacts and gaps in knowledge
- Financing innovations
- Civic engagement and multi-stakeholder decisionmaking
- Adaptive management – managing uncertainties, technological innovations, and resilience to climate change
- Watershed governance and regulatory reform
Exhibit Hall – learn about decentralized systems, composting and urine-diverting toilets, sustainable engineering and management practices
Sponsors: Water Alliance, Cape Cod Commission, US EPA
Supporters: Clean Water Action, Orleans Water Alliance
Conference Program: http://www.cleanwateraction.org/files/Cape%20Conference%20Program.pdfFREE Registration, but $15 charge per day for food – pay at registration desk
Please RSVP for Conference to Becky Smith at bsmith@cleanwater.org.
For information on exhibiting technologies or practices in Exhibit Hall, contact: Becky Smith at bsmith@cleanwater.org.
The Baltimore Charter for Sustainable Water Systems
Many of the speakers and participants in the conference helped draft the 2007 Charter. This conference will update progress in the water sector and assist both Cape Cod and EPA in mapping an agenda for research and demonstration projects, infrastructure financing, and regulatory flexibility.
The Baltimore Charter:
Water is at the heart of all life. In the past, we built water and wastewater infrastructure to protect ourselves from diseases, floods, and droughts. Now we see that fundamental life systems are in danger of collapsing from the disruptions and stresses caused by this infrastructure. New and evolving water technologies and institutions that mimic and work with nature will restore our human and natural ecology across lots, neighborhoods, cities, and watersheds. We need to work together in our homes, our communities, our workplaces, and our governments to seize the opportunities to put these new designs in place.